Tuesday, March 22, 2011

time flies!

I had good intentions to regularly update but life seems to get in the way sometimes!
My husband and I celebrated our nine year anniversary in February. We went out for dinner and left Charlie with the grandparents overnight. It was a nice break but I quickly missed Charlie and wanted to collect him first thing.
Here is a photo of us.

I feel like I hadn't been shopping for so long, clotheswise so I bought a few things recently.

new bakelite bangle

50's lambswool cardigan

50's angora/wool beaded cardigan...love this colour!

I am already thinking of winter, which is just wishful thinking at this stage, it is still in the mid 30's(degrees).

another pair of stop staring jeans to replace my worn out pair. they are so comfortable.

Charlie turned six months yesterday, I can't believe how quickly it has gone!